Danish texts: Funny ones!
A compilation of 14 transcriptions (texts) from funny Danish videos.
All provided with translation and links to their respective videos.
The 14 texts included in this PDF:
Jeg kender din hemmelighed (I know your secret)
En dum samtale. (A stupid conversation)
Dagdrømmeri. (Daydreaming)
Alle mine dyr. (All my animals)
En fjollet gang. (A silly walk)
Den syge psykolog #1 (The sick psychologist #1)
Den syge psykolog #2 (The sick psychologist #2)
Den syge psykolog #3 (The sick psychologist #3)
Søren Sundhed #1 (Søren Health #1)
Søren Sundhed #2 (Søren Health #2)
Søren Sundhed #3 (Søren Health #3)
Søren Slikmund. (Søren Sweet-Tooth)
Snobben. (The Snob)
Jeg vil ikke prale, men.. (I don’t want to brag, but..)
Number of pages: 40
Total word count: 7100
This PDF is also included in the "All Videos (Diamond)" package.